Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Who is Running our Country?

Good questions posted by Sarah Palin on her facebook page.

Who is running our country? We've got a CIA Director sharing security info with his mistress using an unsecure gmail account. We've got the delusional Susan Rice blaming the death of an ambassador on a Youtube video. We've got Iran firing on one of our drones a week before the election. We've got the White House either ignorant of or covering up all of this. Who is minding the store? Everywhere we look we see the rank incompetence or corruption of the people who are supposedly running our country and our major institutions. Let's hope that responsible reporters at Obama's press conference today ask the right questions Americans deserve answers to.

Here's my question for the president: As our nation's chief executive you claim to be unaware of the most important and tragic situations we're facing; so, as a former chief executive, I'd like to know how long it takes for your staff to tell you things like: "Sir, your CIA Director is under investigation"?

- Sarah Palin
Well said.  I don't understand how people don't see that he really is not doing his job as President of the United States.  What has he done for us?  According to an article in Forbes magazine online published September 2, 2012 he has done the following:

"New income data from the Census Bureau reveal what a great job Barack Obama has done for the middle class as President.  During his entire tenure in the oval office, median household income has declined by 7.3%. In January, 2009, the month he entered office, median household income was $54,983.  By June, 2012, it had spiraled down to $50,964.  That’s a loss of $4,019 per family, the equivalent of losing a little less than one month’s income a year, every year.  And on our current course that is only going to get worse not better. "

Great article at Postlibertarian website which list 218 things Obama has done wrong.  My favorites (insert sarcasm here) are Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Healthcare Reform Did not cut Deficit in Half as promised, NO budget has been passed during his presidency, he took the work requirement out of welfare this list can go on for ever.  
Ask yourself did America do the right thing in re-electing him?  I think not.

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