Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama: Aiding Terrorism Around the World

Obama Sends 147 Million to Hamas-run Gaza

Some schooling for those who live in a bubble:  Hamas is a terrorist organization...if you or i gave millions to them...we would be arrested and tried for giving aid to a terrorist organization.  Obama just slides on by...not even a suggestion of a crime. 

What part of these people want us dead does this administration not understand?  What part of these people want Israel destroyed does this administration not understand?  What the HELL kind of President did you PEOPLE elect?  OPEN YOUR EYES!  He is giving 147 Million Dollars of your tax money to aid a country run by TERRORISTS!!! 

Last month that the administration circumvented Congress and gave $1.5 billion in aid to the Muslim Brotherhood-run (Terrorists) Egyptian government.  He is supposed to get approval from Congress, which he did NOT, yet he give our money to terrorists! 

I am sick and tired of this DAMN President doing whatever he wants with our money and our Country and trampling all over our Constitution!! 

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