Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Benghazi Affair

I have been following the Benghazi Consulate attack since it happened and like lots of Americans have been anxiously awaiting the testimony of General Petraeus and Hillary Clinton.  Once again it seems like the murder of 4 Americans has taken the back seat to a Sex Scandal.  It appears that the fact that nothing is clear about what happened in Benghazi, who knew about it, what steps were taken to help during the attack, or if no steps where taken why not, doesn't matter anymore as long as there is a nice juicy sex scandal attached to it everything else seems to disappear.  They need to find out whether or not she was told classified information and then move on.  He is not the first man nor will he be the last that has an affair. 

We cannot forget that 4 Americans died.  There should be an investigation and the people that were in charge while the attack was going on should all testify.  Petreaus is not in the middle of his own scandal while he should be testifying as to what really happened and what the timeline really was.  Hilary Clinton is off in Australia visiting friends and says she has no time to testify.  Really? 4 Americans are dead an you have "no time".

When did a sex scandal become more important than the lives of 4 Americans?  It is a sad time when people would like to be more informed about gossip than about what is happening to our country. 

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